Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jumping off the worlds tallest building

Go to VentureThere for more videos.

Some cool footage of two guys who just jumped off of The Burj Dubai (The worlds talest building) This, my friends, takes church-bell sized balls.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a little Love for the behind the scenes footage.

I Love to see how things are produced, this is an amazing look into the complexities of photography and filmmaking.

Sometimes the truth Hurts.

He couldn't have said it better. This is a major problem that can not be swept under the rug anymore.
Thank you Mr. Oliver

making it look so peaceful

Experience Human Flight from Betty Wants In on Vimeo.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I feel ya...

A great short about a couple who hike the sierra's, climbing along the way to fulfill a lifelong dream.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another Rad Ski Movie

Out of the Shadows Trailer - 2010 HD Ski Film by Dendrite Studios from Dendrite Studios on Vimeo.


ZERO DEGREES - a West Coast winter culture film from Dendrite Studios on Vimeo.

I like to think in short clips of motion. So do they.

Adventure Film Making

Rooted deep in my passion for living life to the fullest is an undeniable drive for adventure as well as the documenting of it. For the past few years I have dedicated a lot of my time to shooting photographs and learning as much as I can in my free time about photography. I released my first coffee table book based from the idea of shooting pictures every day for a year, and choosing my favorite 150 (from nearly 16000 images) to print in a book. It was a great experience and photography is still a major passion for me, but it also helped realize another passion; Film making.

I am a graphic designer and do a lot of work in the motion graphics world. I have always had what people call "A Good Eye" and I really enjoy taking advantage of that. I seem to see things in motion and really love the idea of story telling in the form of video. I have put a lot of thought in the past months about going back to school for film making. This video though has got me thinking about it with a different light. I need to just do it. Start recording everything, logging footage and editing video. I have done it in the past, and though the game has changed a lot I still trust in my ability to adapt and learn on my own. I have many incredibly talented friends in my community that could very easily be major resources for my growth. It is time to start taking advantage. It's time to stop wasting brainpower thinking about what I want to do and just start doing it(if that makes any sense : ) So here goes nothing, wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011