Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First Descents- Cancer Patients

I want to get involved with this group to help promote people living their lives to the fullest.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Red Gold | trailer from felt soul media on Vimeo.

I saw this documentary a couple years ago at the Banff Mountain Film Festival and really enjoyed it.
I grew up in an area with an economy based solely around mining and realize how they can be short term boost. But what they don't tell you is how unsustainable they are , and how tsxing they can be on the environment. I assure you NO MINE IS A CLEAN MINE. resources are resources and as soon as the minerals in the ground are gone the landscape will be changed forever.
Poisoning waterways as important as this to the food chain will have impacts beyond what is recognizable right now. The mines they are proposing simply cannot happen.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Go Do

This video , put out by ford and their "Go Do" Campaign resonates exactly what we are trying to do with FillYourBucket.com! Create an adventure you can call your own, and Go Do it. This video really makes me miss outdoor rinks back in Minnesota. Just playing some pick-up hockey with some friends to help pass the winter.

Contemplation of your day.

Intentio - Trailer from Loïc Wirth on Vimeo.

The funny thing about fairy tales, is that we forget about them so fast.
We grow up, we buy things, we build up fences.
We sell our innocence and forget our dreams.
We forget who we are in order to be something we’re not.
And we’ll keep believing in this so called truths, until we forget how to live,
Or until we open our eyes, and wake up.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Art of Flight - trailer

Mind-blowing cinematography coupled with the best big mountain riders on the planet. I really can't wait to see the full length move.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mickey Smith sure has an eye.

OLD PINE from Astray Films on Vimeo.

I usually don't post music videos, but when mickey smith, Director of "Dark Side of the Lense," is involved, I can't help but be drawn to the amazing direction of the shots... This footage is pretty incredible. Enjoy.