Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Man do I want to travel right now!

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

I haven't seem something this motivating for a long time. As someone who has seen and experienced some amazing journeys in my life I can tell you that the feeling of wonder might be one of the strongest addictions on the planet. What are we really here for anyway? Might as well see, feel, taste, hear and experience as much as this wonderful planet, and its inhabitants, has to offer. Traveling isn't about going to a place, it's about the journey that happens within as you explore the world around you. It's about asking questions, then going out to discover the answers. The change that happens deep within cannot be replicated without physically doing.

This set of 3 videos funded by STA Travel focuses on MOVE, EAT, LEARN as the themes for 1 minute shorts edited out of 6 months of travel by three individuals. Watching these gives me goosebumps as I brainstorm and plan my next journey, and I cannot wait to get started.

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